Monday, May 19, 2008

The other night, Charlie and I took my cousin's son out to the movies. He is a hyperactive 5-year old who wants to know everything.
As we were sitting there, watching the previews roll through, he looks intently at the projector, then at the screen, then at me and asks "how does the movie get to the screen?"
I'm stumped. It's a pretty simple question with a pretty simple answer. The only problem is: I tend to explain things in very complicated ways. Knowing that a 5-year old would not make sense of my very complicated answer, I fell back on a very catch-all answer that actually makes me cringe to use: "It's magic".
Why that's what came to my mouth can only be guessed. My mom might have used that answer with me a lot; I can't be sure. What I do know is that the moment I said it, I felt very disappointed with myself. I didn't answer his question at all and I was helping contribute to the nonsense that has replaced logic.
Thankfully, Charlie is very good with kids. He leaned over and said
"you know how a flashlight works?"
"uh hu"
"well, it's just the same, except it flashes a movie and not just a light."
After hearing that, I was happy. Charlie answered Bryce's question, reaffirmed to me that he's good with kids, and showed me how to do something by example.
With all of that, though, it's good to know he's still human.
He was showing Bryce how to make a balloon stick to the ceiling after rubbing it on his hair. At a loss for how to explain static electricity to a 5 year old, Charlie answered Bryce's "how did you do that?" question with a fall-back answer:
"It's magic."

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hi Angie! I'm so sorry that it has teken me such a long time to respond to your email!!!! I have ALL day off tomarrow, so you may break out the party hats and dance around to wild celtic music (frolicking around the living room!) So you can expect an email by tomarrow evening at the latest. I hope all is going well in your little world, and you are in my prayers!