Sunday, March 2, 2008

Who am I?

I said I would make a post telling y'all (if there are any of you) about me.
Well, if you read my profile information, you should know a few things already.
Jesus Christ, the only son of God, has saved my soul by becoming a sacrifice for my sins. I believe this whole-heartedly and strive to live each moment of my life and make each thought align with what we were instructed in God's word. To some people, that sounds boring and even crazy.
Hello to those people!
It's not boring to me; it's challenging to become a better person; to willing submit yourself to authority; and it's rewarding when you realize later on that following the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the bible has made you wiser and able to bear things better that life has thrown your way. It's a relief to me, a burden taken from me, to have know the God will take care of me so long as I follow Him. :-)
It's also a relief to know that no one can take that away from me, no matter how hard they try. If you're reading this and you don't know the peace of trust, I encourage you to ask me questions.
To understand anything else about my life, that's the main thing that you need to know. God is the center of my life and all of my decisions, hopes, dreams, aspirations are centered around Him and how He wants me to be. You may think I'm crazy for this, but I think it's crazy not to have my life wrapped the God who created me and His Son who gave His life so that I wouldn't be eternally separated from His father.
There is a young man in my life, a United States soldier. He is as much in love with the Lord as I am and, therefore, our relationship is centered around God as well. That may sound silly to some, but it's wonderful because when I have a problem, I try to find an answer through prayer and/or the bible... so when we have a problem, that's what he suggests doing. You know those decisions, hopes, dreams, and aspirations I told you about? My boyfriend's match mine completely, only the male version. We'll get married one day, but the timing is up to him. Seriously, he's the love of my life. We match up in every area (not that we're identical.. more like puzzles pieces or two halves) and there is no doubt in my mind that God designed us for one another.
There is a lot more about me, but all of this should suffice until I feel up to making another entry; probably tonight or tomorrow.
God bless!

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