Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bonnie had a baby

Well, Charlie's sister just had her baby.
For some reason, I'm unable to sleep.
So I texted Charlie to ask him if he was an uncle yet (just friends text in the middle of the night, right?) and he said "yes, just!"
Anyway... I'm happy that Siobhan had her little boy.

(It is the middle of the night here, no matter what the "posting time" says... Is blogspot on Pacific time?)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Few Pictures I Took

The end of our driveway, right before you get to the road (which is only recently "paved").


A visitor


This little guy almost seemed as if he were posing. He hightailed it as soon as the picture was taken.


A few friends on the mint plant near our front door... Sadly, we had to tear all the mint out because of snakes...




Sunday, June 15, 2008

Changes that Occur

I suppose it's only right that I should own up to being single now.
It happened so suddenly.. and yet, I saw it coming.
I miss him dreadfully. He is my soldier, my best friend, and he has my heart.
But we are no longer on the path to wedded bliss.
We may one day return to that path, but as much as I hope for it, I cannot expect it.
First and foremost, the Lord has called me to Him.
No matter if I can't understand and I end up hurt because of it, He knows what is good and perfect and, so long as I am following Him, this life cannot be hopeless.
I'm moving back down to Florida to live with my mom.
I'll write more later when my heart is not so full.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The other night, Charlie and I took my cousin's son out to the movies. He is a hyperactive 5-year old who wants to know everything.
As we were sitting there, watching the previews roll through, he looks intently at the projector, then at the screen, then at me and asks "how does the movie get to the screen?"
I'm stumped. It's a pretty simple question with a pretty simple answer. The only problem is: I tend to explain things in very complicated ways. Knowing that a 5-year old would not make sense of my very complicated answer, I fell back on a very catch-all answer that actually makes me cringe to use: "It's magic".
Why that's what came to my mouth can only be guessed. My mom might have used that answer with me a lot; I can't be sure. What I do know is that the moment I said it, I felt very disappointed with myself. I didn't answer his question at all and I was helping contribute to the nonsense that has replaced logic.
Thankfully, Charlie is very good with kids. He leaned over and said
"you know how a flashlight works?"
"uh hu"
"well, it's just the same, except it flashes a movie and not just a light."
After hearing that, I was happy. Charlie answered Bryce's question, reaffirmed to me that he's good with kids, and showed me how to do something by example.
With all of that, though, it's good to know he's still human.
He was showing Bryce how to make a balloon stick to the ceiling after rubbing it on his hair. At a loss for how to explain static electricity to a 5 year old, Charlie answered Bryce's "how did you do that?" question with a fall-back answer:
"It's magic."

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

At This Very Moment

The sky is so dark a shade of blue, it almost looks like a smokey grey, but the sun is out an is turning the trees and grass that suspicious yellow-green color that happens right before a terrible storm, if not a tornado.
Grandpa is having vertigo and I told him it could be the weather, but he sternly informed me "I never get affected by the weather." Well, okay, but I'm almost positive it's not the flu.
My dear Charlie is having issues with being stationed in the desert of southern California. He's a country boy from Oregon, so it's completely understandable. I wish I could find a way to help him!
As for what I've been up to: I found some books that are making me feel quite happy and accomplished. Books about womanhood and preparing (in all facets) to undertake the management of a home and being the helpmeet of a husband.
After all the searching for books like these I did months ago, I had almost given up the search, believing that modern society's views had even permeated the wonderful world of literature. Well, it has, but a change in what I typed in the search engine brought up a website which had an attractive list of books and authors. In addition to this pleasing news, a few of these books were listed on other sites as downloadable e-books.
Hoorah for technology!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I haven't been on here because I'm kinda bad about keeping up with things.
Last Wednesday, I went to California to see Charlie, the man in my life. I love being with him; there is no physical place that I would rather be. We went off-roading on his quad and explored some old mine shafts. He's funny about me getting too close to the edge... so protective. Oh, I love him so much. We had some trouble with my helmet for the quad at first, but when we took the visor off, all was good. What happened is that the helmet is much bigger than my head and it was difficult to hold up when the wind kept catching under the visor and blowing the helmet up.
We also visited Calico Ghost Town (kinda touristy) and a really delicious diner called "Aunt B's Diner." We saw the new Rambo movie (the most violent thing I have seen in my entire life) and spent time talking and just being with each other. I got to make him supper Saturday night, as his sister and brother-in-law went to Seaworld and I got to occupy the kitchen while they were gone. (To explain, his best friend happened to get stationed at the same post as Charlie.. and then his sister married his best friend... so now his sister and brother-in-law live on post in base housing, so I stayed with them instead of at the post hotel.)
All in all, it was an amazing weekend, but I had a hard time keeping it together when it was time to leave. So did he. He was embarrassed that he cried, but it kinda comforted me that he did, though I hate to cause pain even inadvertently to him.
I had a red eye flight. Yippee!! Haha. When my grandparents came and picked me up in the morning, I begged for us to go straight home so I could sleep instead of going out for breakfast. My grandma turned around to talk about something and slipped off the little curb. My heart stopped at this because how she landed was with an arm and a leg on either side of the curb and it looked as though her face had slammed into the cement. She got up as quickly as she could exclaiming that she was "fine", but later Monday and even some yesterday, her wrists were swollen and bruised up. She didn't hit her face (than God) but she caught herself with her arms... and she's 73. Needless to say, she's not completely fine, but she's stubborn, so oh well.
Today I was meaning to get up early and clean my room up and fold all my laundry, but I did none of that. I didn't wake up early- I think I still have jet lag, but that's just an excuse.... I was just tired. And I didn't clean- I sat down in front of the computer and started looking things up... before I knew it, it was time to go to work.
Yay for babies! All the babies in the nursery are walking now. Fun stuff. Actually, a little hectic, but it's not so bad if I remember to ask for God's help first. The children's minister at the church hired another lady, which kinda scares me a little. The new girl and the other lady I work with are cousins and the former works with the children's minister some other place... so they all know each other. Everyone knows everyone here, actually. Except me. Anyway... we get an average of 3-5 kids in the nursery. 3 adults for 3-5 babies? It's a little disheartening and I really hope they don't decide to downsize and let me go... they probably would start with me, because none of them know me or see me as much as each other. Eek.
This summer, my mom wanted me to come down and house sit for her for 3 weeks so she and her boyfriend could go on a mini vacation. I don't know how I'm going to tell her that I'm afraid to ask my boss for 3 weeks off! Mom's been looking forward to this vacation, but I can't afford to lose this job. Hmm. Things to think and pray about.
I have more I could write about, but I have some things to do. Procrastination is not an answer anymore. Haha.
God bless!